As we approach Tu BiShvat, Rosh Hashanah La’Ilanot, we think of growth and of new beginnings. Now, with vaccination efforts already underway in countries around the world, we are optimistic that this will usher in a new period of hope and a swift return to normalcy for teachers and families everywhere.
While many are still coping with the challenges brought on by the pandemic, we, at iTaLAM, are extremely grateful for the small victories and important milestones we were able to achieve in partnership with our dedicated staff and international community of schools during this period:
We would like to once again recognize the remarkable school administrators and educators with whom we have the privilege of partnering. Your efforts and commitment have made it possible for students around the world to stay on track and engaged with their studies during this uncertain period.
I would also like to thank you, personally, for your feedback and support as we worked to adapt our programs and develop new digital resources this past year. We are looking forward to a continued year of growth, innovation and collaboration with you.
As always, iTaLAM is here to guide and assist you, to ensure that you and your students have the tools and resources you need to achieve your academic goals. And, to welcome in Tu BiShvat, we have uploaded a collection of holiday videos and activities to the iTaLAM YouTube channel which we invite you to share with your students and their families: click here to watch.
Wishing you and your loved ones good health and a Tu BiShvat Sameach,
Shoshi Becker, CEO