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פסח תשפ”ד

פסח תשפ”ד

This year’s Pesach preparations are taking place through difficult and complex times. As we return, together with our children, to the time of the Exodus, we are reminded of the strength we hold when we stand together, united, acting in faith, with a sense of solidarity and a shared destiny. Now, more than ever, the wonderful feedback we receive from iTaLAM teachers and principals about the Pesach preparations in their schools — the experiential learning and classroom preparations for the holiday, as well as the ideas and content the children are receiving for the celebration in their homes — are a source of strength for all of us, giving us a sense of strength and preparedness for the future. We wish you and your families a Happy Pesach, and send blessings of peace and strength to our soldiers, healing to those who are wounded in body and spirit, prayers for the return of the hostages, and for better days for Am Yisrael, wherever we may be. To read the full text on our preparations for Pesach and how we can infuse the holiday with timely significance, click here.