How Can Teachers Determine What their Students Did in Class?
Ziva has her students working in the iTaLAM digital environment two classes per week. She feels that—unlike during traditional instruction, when she is aware of everything that happens in class—she doesn’t know exactly what they’re doing.
How can we monitor the students’ learning in a digital environment?
Digital instruction actually offers a lot more information about what’s happening in the classroom than does traditional instruction. It simply requires getting used to different tools that generate precise information about what is being done, and what the quality of the learning actually is.
Subsequent blog posts will discuss how we can transform the students into “little teachers,” who will monitor their own learning and improve it; We will now focus on monitoring the learning in
Teacher Mode.
- As written in the previous blog post, enter Teacher Mode, and generate an Activity Report
in order to see what your students have been doing. Of course, you can also examine their output
and listen to their recordings
in order to assess the quality of their learning.
- In planning your time, lock
activities you do not want your students to tackle, and focus their attention on the activities you would like them to complete. 
- Detecting problems in class: Enter the Class Skills Report (1), and indicate the dates you wish to receive information about (2).

Look for the grades marked in red; these belong to students who did not do well, and need special attention.
- In preparation for your parent-teacher meetings, enter the Student Skills Report (1), indicate the dates you wish to receive information about (2), and you’ll be able to see the child’s progress throughout the year.
- Mark the student you want to receive information about;
- Indicate the dates you wish to receive information about;
- Take note: Do you want specific information, or long-term information (Progress Report)?