
ימי עיון מיוחדים למורים ותיקים

!כלים פרקטיים ליישום בכיתה

Conference Days for the 2024-2025 School Year

Would you like to refresh and renew your strengths, and meet teachers like yourself from around the world? Do you want practical ideas you can apply in your classroom, and a connection with new forces in the field? 

We invite you to join us for two recharging and invigorating online study days
(3 hour sessions each day)

Come get acquainted with the latest developments in iTaLAM, where you can share, comment, and provide feedback based on your own teaching experience.

Who are these sessions for?

Principals, coordinators, experienced Hebrew and Jewish heritage teachers who teach with the iTaLAM program, and educators who seek to enrich their knowledge and discover the innovations and developments offered in the current educational world.

(The workshop does not replace new teacher training. iTaLAM content will not be taught in these sessions, which will focus on the innovations and further development of various skills).

Professional Development - Day 2

Projects and Creativity in Teaching Hebrew

Sunday, 2 Adar / 2 March, 2025
6-9 p.m. Israel Time

Time Content

6-7:30 p.m.
Israel Time

Primary Workshop:
Using artificial intelligence to reinforce the Hebrew language

In this workshop, we will learn and experience practical suggestions for
using AI to reinforce using the Hebrew language in the classroom and school. 

Guest lecture:

Orly Lavi-Travish

Orly Lavi-Travish is founder and owner of 972EDUCATION INC, an online school for Jewish cultural education and Hebrew as a second language. As an expert in the instruction of second-languages, Orly combines innovative teaching methods adapted to the 21st century, including the use of artificial intelligence (AI) and project-based learning.

Orly was the first to establish and organize international conferences in the field of artificial intelligence for teachers of Hebrew as a second language, starting in 2023 and 2024 (IVRITECH). 


7:30-9 p.m.
Israel Time

A selection of 4 workshops on various topics
(choose 3 out of the following):

Time Content

6-7:30 p.m.
Israel Time

Primary Workshop:

Using artificial intelligence to reinforce the Hebrew language

In this workshop, we will learn and experience practical suggestions for
using AI to reinforce using the Hebrew language in the classroom and school. 

7:30-9 p.m.
Israel Time

A selection of 4 workshops on various topics
(choose 3 out of the following):

Challenges as a springboard to success
Creativity in teaching Hebrew to challenged students.
“Plagiarizing” and Utilizing
Fascinating successful projects from the field.

Learning and Celebrating
Class Celebrations as a product of effective learning.
From a stormy ocean to a rich buffet
How to choose what is right for your schools. 

Prices and Registration

** Participants in the principal course are entitled to a 50% discount for personal registration for the conference days.

Day 2

2 March, 2025


For one teacher


For a school (unlimited)

Day 2

2 March, 2025


For one teacher


For a school (unlimited)

Professional Development - Day 1

Who am I?
Developing and Strenthening Jewish Identity in a Turbulant World


Sunday, 2 Cheshvan / 3 November, 2024
6-9 p.m. Israel Time

Time Content

6-7 p.m.
Israel Time

Primary Workshop:
Playback Theater   

How to provide answers and cope with the news in Hebrew and Jewish Heritage classes:
Serving as a teacher for Hebrew language and Jewish heritage when streets are hostile and hearts are on fire.

7-9 p.m.
Israel Time

A selection of workshops on hot topics relating to teaching Hebrew
in the Diaspora (choose 3 out of the following):

Time Content

6-7 p.m.
Israel Time

Primary Workshop:
Playback Theater  

How to provide answers and cope with the news in Hebrew and Jewish Heritage classes:
Serving as a teacher for Hebrew language and Jewish heritage when streets are hostile and hearts are on fire.

7-9 p.m.
Israel Time

A selection of workshops on hot topics relating to teaching Hebrew
in the Diaspora (choose 3 out of the following):

Not waiting for Yom Haatzmaut
Practical ideas for reinforcing the affiliation with Israel throughout the year.

We are all in the same boat
Sharing dilemmas from experience, and coming up with practical ideas for coping.

Developing resilience - Yoav’s cards

A practical workshop for conducting a classroom discussion about difficult situations.

Program treasures

New iTaLAM treasures and how to use them.

“היה לי מאוד מרגש להיות עם מורים מכל העולם שמקדישים את חייהם לאהבת ישראל ולחינוך הדורות הבאים. הרגשת האחדות, שותפות הגורל והאמונה במי שאנחנו כעם אחד, נתנו לי המון.”

“עברתי להשתלמויות המעולות שבניתם בזום, ועכשיו אני נהנית עם החידוש הזה של ימי עיון. ראיתי את זה וממש התרגשתי. אמרתי לעצמי שזה הזמן שוב להתחבר ולהתבר ולהתענן.
תודה רבה על הליווי, על חידושים, על מקצוענות, על הכל.”

“גם לנו בתור מחנכים ניתנת ההזדמנות לאמץ את העקרונות של יואב, להרים ראש, להסתכל למציאות בעיניים ולהמשיך בעוצמה. תודה רבה.”

“הייתי בכמה מהקורסים בניו ג’רזי וגם בקורסים אונליין. אני מאוד מאוד מאוד נהנית. כל שנה אני מגלה דברים חדשים. אני מאוד נהנית מהחומרים שהוספתם.”

“I learned a lot from the principal training, and am left with a flavor for more. I think all teachers should undergo your training, and I am very grateful.”

(Director from Brooklyn)

“I have to tell you and the entire staff that the training program was simply – wow! on every level. It was just wonderful. The content was precise, your approach was patient and non-judgmental, which I do not take for granted, and the experience was rewarding.”

(Hebrew director from Manhattan)

“Thank you for the principal training. I have been with iTaLAM for many years, and I see your development, and am very impressed with your attention and response to shifting needs. I learned a lot and enjoyed getting to know new principals.”

(Director from Florida)

“You are always full of great surprises! Your content is very interesting, and above all I love hearing principals from around the world and learning from the struggles of other professionals. Here in France the situation is complex, and I felt I received the support I needed from the principal in New York, with whom I developed a friendship.”

(Principal from Paris)