
Yom Ha’atzmaut is particularly special this year.

We need to reinforce the students’ connection to Israel, and their understanding of the relationship between the Jewish people and their land.


We offer a brief curriculum which includes two lessons, in cooperation with the Jewish National Fund.

Lesson 1

    מה הבטיח ה’ לאברהם?

What did God promise Abraham?

This class reinforces the understanding that our right to Israel stems from God’s biblical promise to the Patriarchs.

Link to lesson plan

Video: “What did God promise Abraham?”

Song: Lekh Lekha

Lesson 2

    איך שומרים על ישראל?

How do we protect Israel?

Now that we have a country, how can we protect it? 

The IDF – Israeli Defense Force – protects our country from enemies.

The JNF – Jewish National Fund – tends to the water, air, and earth, and protects the environment in Israel for future generations.

Link to lesson plan

Video: How do we protect Israel? iTaLAM and JNF

Link to printable file for students