פורים שמח! תשפ”ה
As we approach Purim, we celebrate the creativity and dedication that have carried our people, much like Esther’s courage in the face of adversity. Let’s make this a holiday of joy, celebrating resilience and the triumph of unity. To read
ט”ו בשבט שמח!
A tree without roots will not withstand storms. iTaLAM is committed to nurturing deep roots for our students and teachers — knowledge, values and tradition. As I conclude my role as CEO, I want to thank you from the bottom
חנוכה שמח! תשפ”ה
Happy Hanukkah! This year, Hanukkah invites us to strengthen our connection with the community, illuminate each other and continue to grow together. Each candle carries a special message: inner light, community, giving, education, joy, learning, and connection to our roots.
שנה טובה! תשפ”ה
Rosh haShana will soon be here. The People of Israel have experienced an extremely difficult year, all around the world. With the anniversary of October 7th around the corner, we reflect on how hard it has been to keep our
שבועות שמח! תשפ”ד
This year, as we celebrate the festival Shavuot, commemorating the giving of the Torah at Mount Sinai, we reflect on the themes of loyalty, faith, and resilience found in the Biblical story of Ruth. In these challenging times, both in
עצמאות 76
This year, we commemorate Yom haZikaron through a meaningful activity in memory of Lieutenant Yoav Malayev, Z”L, the grandson of our dear iTaLAM team member Miriam Cohen, and we celebrate Yom haAtzmaut in collaboration with the JNF (קק”ל). Emerging from
פסח תשפ”ד
This year’s Pesach preparations are taking place through difficult and complex times. As we return, together with our children, to the time of the Exodus, we are reminded of the strength we hold when we stand together, united, acting in
פורים שמח! תשפ”ד
This Purim, Am Yisrael is experiencing difficult times, in Israel and around the world. As we aspire to rejoice, and transcend our challenges, may we heed the words of Mordechai; may we embrace our role in strengthening the Jewish People,
ט”ו בשבט תשפ”ד
This year, as we approach Tu Bishvat, the New Year for trees, we are all experiencing trying times – both in Israel and in Jewish communities around the world. We stand united in solidarity, hoping for growth and stability, and
חנוכה תשפ”ד
Dear iTaLAM Family, We are living through a historical and complex time. This Hanukkah, we invite you to light your candles in support of the children and the Jewish community, in Israel and around the world – to bolster hope
שנה טובה ומתוקה! תשפ”ד
As we prepare to open the new school year, we invite you to embrace the spirit of Rosh Hashanah with a few simple and meaningful practices! For example: Set intentions for the coming year, and invite your students to share
חג שבועות שמח!
Happy Shavuot to the iTaLAM family! We would like to express our gratitude to all the teachers and administrators for the dedication and infinite love you give to your students in teaching Hebrew and heritage. In you, the educators, we
חג עצמאות שמח!
Dear iTaLAM Family, As we prepare to celebrate Yom haAtzmaut, we also transition from the solemnity and extreme sadness of Yom haZikaron to incredible joy and upliftment. We invite you to join us in “lighting the torches” that are lit
חג פסח שמח!
Dear Principals & Teachers, Spring is coming, and with it, Pesach! This holiday infuses us with a feeling of togetherness, of warmth, of family and of renewal. iTaLAM is a home. And we are all one big family. An embracing,
!פורים שמח
Dear iTaLAM Family, As were prepare to celebrate the joy of Purim, the iTaLAM team would like to encourage you to add joy, creativity and a sense of renewal to Hebrew and Jewish studies! Let’s take a moment to reflect
טו בשבט שמח
Dear iTaLAM Family, As were prepare to celebrate Tu B’Shvat, let’s take a moment to reflect on the similarity between the physical act of planting trees that is at the center of this holiday, and the various phases of growth
חג חנוכה שמח
Dear iTaLAM Family, This year, as we light the Hanukkah candles, we are delighted to honor eight schools implementing iTaLAM around the world. Each student is a candle, joining tens of thousands of candles illuminating the Jewish world with the
Rosh Hashana Sameach!
English version below Small Gifts “Matanot Ktanot” (Small Gifts) is a well-known Israeli song. The lyrics, written by Noam Horev, express joy and appreciation for life’s small gifts – the spiritual gifts that empower us
Tu bshvat
“Is the tree of the field a man…” (Deuteronomy 20:19) “כי האדם עץ השדה…” (דברים כ’ י”ט) It is quite common to interpret this verse as a rhetorical question: Is a
Happy Hanukkah!
Happy Hanukkah! Hanukkah is bringing light into houses and hearts around the world. The light that we are celebrating is much more than just physical. The light is a beam we can direct
Shana Tova u-Metuka from iTaLAM
What do we mean when we say Shana Tova u-Metuka – Have a good and sweet year? To understand this common greeting for the Jewish new year, let me share a personal story about my family. Ten years
Chag Purim Sameach!
Dear Friends, While many of us will be searching for alternative and creative ways to celebrate Purim this year, we want to recognize all of the dedicated educators and parents who have gone above and beyond to bring joy
Tu BiShvat Sameach From iTaLAM’s CEO
Dear iTaLAM Community, As we approach Tu BiShvat, Rosh Hashanah La’Ilanot, we think of growth and of new beginnings. Now, with vaccination efforts already underway in countries around the world, we are optimistic that this will usher in a
8 Delightful Chanukah Tips From iTaLAM’s CEO
עברית למטה<<< This year, like every year, we light candles on each night of the eight days of Chanukah. In ordinary times, candle lighting is a ritual filled with joy and light, something done together with family and friends.
Shana Tova from iTaLAM
Our sages tell us of a man called Nachum Ish Gamzu. No matter the circumstances, he was always grateful and would say: “This, too, is for the best” – Gam zu letova. Even when he was sick or injured, or
Embracing Acceptance and Sensitivity
Dear friends, We, like you, are following the daily developments in the US and elsewhere, first with shock at the brutal death of George Floyd, and now with a growing sense of amazement at the mass outpouring of concern and demand
Join Us on Social Media
Stay Connected to iTaLAM! The world is changing and so are we. Stay up to date with the latest news and updates from iTaLAM!Be sure to connect with us across social media. Take a peek! Facebook Youtube Instagram LinkedIn
Israel Celebrates 72 Years!
In celebration of Israel’s 72 years, we wanted to share with you some of the songs that our students are learning about Israel for this holiday. So grab your family, your dog, or whoever you call your quarantine buddies and
Greetings from the CEO, Shoshi Becker
March 26, 2020 Dear Friends, How is this Pesach different from all other Pesach holidays? This Pesach, we celebrate under the shadow of a frightening public health crisis. The world is going through a most challenging time. We all pray
Israel Celebrates 71!
Trying to figure out how to celebrate Israel’s 71st birthday? Try singing along with these two songs from iTaLAM 1! “The Flag of the State of Israel” from iTaLAM 1 “The Symbol of the State of Israel” from
Passover in iTaLAM 1 & 4
Learn about Passover like a student in iTaLAM 1! Think your Hebrew is more advanced? Try learning about Passover like a student in iTaLAM 4! Every year students visit the same holidays but each time with a new
Tu B’Shvat Has Arrived–Holiday of Trees!
Come join us at iTaLAM, from Israel and the Diaspora, in celebrating Tu B’Shvat. Come embark with us on a journey from Israel to the whole wide world and back to Israel again through a wonderful Tu B’shvat celebration. Songs, stories, activities and games, all about the Tu B’shvat holiday, the Seven Species and the source of their growth in the Land of Israel, we will learn together what the Seven Species produce, we will yearn together for the Land of Israel and breathe in the almond blossoms from afar. Join us! Celebrate Tu B’shvat with iTaLAM!
Chanukah for iTaLAM 4
Are your kita daled students getting ready to celebrate Chanukah? We are so excited to share one of the new books released for iTaLAM 4 Chagim track.
שנה טובה ומתוקה
Dear Friends,
As we approach the New Year, I am delighted to share with you a short e-newsletter with highlights from the iTaLAM 2017-18 school year and a look at highlights planned for the year ahead.
iTaLAM in the News
Last month, TaL AM & iTaLAM Faciliator, Naama Arzi visited Hillel Academy in Ohio.
iTaLAM Celebrates the 70th Anniversary of Israel!
We invite you to join us in learning and honoring Israel’s 70th Independence Day. We are offering you a gift! The escape room, designed for students in grades 2-5, is based on the iTaLAM curriculum. Come and join us and
Happy Passover!
Passover is the holiday in which the people of Israel became the Jewish people. In iTaLAM, the students learn the founding story of the people of Israel, from the descent of Jacob and his sons to Egypt up until the exodus from being slaves in Egypt to freedom.
Happy Purim! The Story of the Megillah in our Class.
The holiday of Purim is a big holiday for the Jews. The students learn the Purim mitzvot and customs: dress up, make noise, read the Megillah, send Mishloach Manot, donate gifts to the poor, eat a Purim meal and talk “about the miracles” (al ha nisim).
Get to Know iTaLAM!
Do you want to know more about iTaLAM’s exciting digital blended curriculum? This is your opportunity! We will be holding two virtual open house sessions for those new to iTaLAM as well as those looking to expand to new
Digital Instruction: Tools and Skills
Optimizing Digital Instruction: The Benefits of Digital Instruction, and How to Avoid Frustration.
Welcome to a series of iTaLAM blog posts focused on Digital Instruction, and—more specifically—the tools and skills it employs.